The characteristics of mulberry varieties produced by Sericulture Experiment Station – Vratza are:
Mulberry variety No 24
Bulgarian variety (Morus Alba). Female. Strong growth with long shoots. Large entire leaves (18 cm x 15 cm). Leave yield under rainfed conditions,
planting distance 3 m x 1 m, 3300 trees per hectare - higher than 13,000 kg/ha. Very good cold and draught resistance.
Mulberry variety No 59
Bulgarian variety (Morus alba). Bisexual variety with mainly male catkins. Strong growth with long shoots. Large entire leaves (23 cm x 20 cm). Very good draught resistance. Leave yield under rainfed conditions higher than 13,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety No 3
Male variety. The leaves are large, unlobed, thin and light green in color.
Mulberry variety Vratza 1
Bulgarian variety (Morus kagayamae). Female variety. Strong growth with medium – lengthen shoots. Large entire leaves (22 cm x 19 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. The leave yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 16,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Vratza 18
Bulgarian variety (Morus alba). Female variety. Very large entire leaves (29 cm x 21 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leave yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 14,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Vesletz
Bulgarian variety (Morus alba). Male variety. Medium size unlobed leaves(16 cm x 12 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slowly withering. Leave yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 14,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Tbilisuri
Georgian variety (Morus alba). Male variety. Good development with medium length of branches. Large unlobed leaves (21 cm x 18 cm). Good cold resistance. Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leaves yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 13,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Kinriu
Japanese variety (Morus kagayamae). Female variety. Good development with medium length of branches. Large entire leaves (25 cm x 19 cm). Good cold resistance. Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slowly withering. Leaves yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 16,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Kokuso 20
Japanese variety (Morus latifolia). This variety has trees which are male and trees which are female.. Good development with long branches. Large unlobed leaves (23 cm x 17 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leaves yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 15,000kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Kokuso 21
Japanese variety (Morus latifolia). Bisexual variety. Good development with long branches. Large unlobed leaves (23 cm x 17 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leaves yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 15,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Kokuso 27
Japanese variety (Morus alba). Bisexual variety with mainly male catkins. Strong growth with long shoots. Large lobed leaves (22 cm x 17 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leaves yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 16,000 kg/ha.
Mulberry variety Kokuso 70
Japanese variety (Morus latifolia). Bisexual variety with mainly male catkins. Large entire or lobed leaves (22 cm x 17 cm). Thick and juicy nutritive leaves with slow withering. Leave yield under rainfed conditions is higher than 16,000 kg/ha.